Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy for using the application

Local Link Co., Ltd. (the “Company”) recommends that you understand this privacy policy as it describes how the company treats your personal data, such as collecting, storage, use, disclosure, including your rights, etc., so that you are aware of the company’s privacy policy. The company therefore announces the privacy policy as follows:


  • Limited collection of personal information.
  • Collection of personal data is done for the purpose, scope, and using lawful and fair methods to collect and store information as well as collect and store personal data only as limited as necessary to provide the services or services by any other electronic means for the purposes of the company only. However, the company will proceed to inform the owner of the information and give consent. Electronically, short message service or according to the company’s method.

  • The Company will seek your consent before collecting, except:
  • It is a case that is required by law, such as the Telecommunications Business Act, Computer Crime Act, Anti-Money Laundering Act, etc.
  • It is for your benefit and the request for consent could not be made at that time.
  • It is for the benefit of life, health or safety of you and other users.
  • For the benefit of the investigating officer’s investigation or the trial of the court.
  • To use in providing network services, maintain and improve the network.
  • For the benefit of study, research, statistical preparation or for the public benefit.

  • The Company will not collect your personal information related to genetics, sexual behavior or potentially harmful information discredit or may create feelings of unfair discrimination or inequality to any person except:
  • Obtain your written consent.
  • It is a case that is required by law, such as the Telecommunications Business Act, Computer Crime Act, Anti-Money Laundering Act, etc.
  • It is for your benefit and the request for consent could not be made at that time.
  • It is for the benefit of life, health or safety of you and other users.
  • For the benefit of the investigating officer’s investigation or the trial of the court.
  • For the benefit of study, research, or the preparation of statistics, or for the public benefit.

  • Your personal information obtained by the company, such as your name, age, address, telephone number, ID card number, financial information, etc., which can identify you personally. and that personal information is complete and up-to-date will be used for the purpose of the company’s operations only. And the company will take strict measures to maintain security as well as preventing the use of personal information without your prior permission.

  • Purpose for collecting and storing personal information
  • The company collects, stores, uses your personal information for the operation of the company in telecommunication services, improves network quality, calculation and billing of services, education, data analysis which is in accordance with the objectives of the company’s operations and to improve the quality of the company’s services to be more efficient.
  • If there is a change in the purpose of collecting personal data afterwards, the company will announce it to you.

  • Information Collected and Reasons for Collecting are as follows: 
  • The company will use information collected from all its applications to provide services, maintain, prevent, improve, develop new services and protect the company and you as well as to offer content that has been customized to suit your particular use, such as showing search results that are relevant to you, displaying advertisements promoting services that may be of interest to you and that are useful to you.
  • In addition, when you contact the company, the company may keep records of conversations between you and the call center provided by the company as a means of receiving notifications, giving advice, and suggesting solutions to problems related to the use of the application and may keep a record of the e-mail address you provide to receive recommendations in order to improve and develop the company’s services, and affiliated companies and notify you through the address you provided.

  • Information collected and the reason for collecting are for you to provide or fill in your personal information such as first-last name, address, telephone number, date of birth, gender, e-mail address, credit or debit card number, bank account information (if any), etc. for applications that require registration prior to use to store and save them in the user account as well as to use to store various service fees within the application. In addition, if you wish to take full advantage of the use of the application, the company may ask you to create a public profile that includes your name and picture.

  • Information that the company receives from your use of the application, the company collects information from your use of the application, which contains at least the following information:
  • Mobile/Digital Device Information: The Company collects device-specific information such as hardware model operating system, and operating system version mobile network information, phone number as well as a device identifier that lets the company know from which device you access the application to customize the service and analyze problems suitable for that device

  • Saved data: When you browse data and/or content from this application, the company will record such browsing and/or content in the following aggregators on the company’s own server and/or its affiliates and/or of the company’s trusted parties that manage the data in the contractual application.

  • Contacts: When you use this application, the company may access, collect and process contact information, addresses, mobile numbers, the e-mail address of the local contact on your mobile phone. The objectives are as follows:
  • To send and share your location information to your contact’s mobile number via SMS.

  • Phone State Information, the company may access and process information about the operating status of your mobile phone whether it is powered on or the machine is turned off and/or information about network connections, such as choosing to connect via a cellular network or a Wi-Fi system, for the following purposes:
  • To check that you can use the application immediately without needing to fill in the OTP information before using it.
  • To arrange the display screen before accessing the main application page (Splash Screen).
  • To customize application services that are suitable for each device’s usage status, such as switching usage patterns and adjusting navigation volume, etc.

  • Camera information: when you use this application, the company may access to collect and process your photo, video and location data of your photos and/or videos. The objectives are as follows:
  • To enable the application to scan the QR code of the applicable digital device.

  • SMS information: when you use this application, the company may access and process information about contact lists, mobile phone number for use in sending your short messages (SMS) for the following purposes:
  • To enable the application to scan the QR code of the applicable digital device.

  • Location information: when you use the company’s applications, the company may access, collect and process information about your actual location. The company uses a variety of technologies to determine location, such as IP addresses, GPS sensors or other devices. That may give the company information about nearby devices, Wi-Fi access points and cell towers. The objectives are as follows:
  • To determine the user’s current location on the map.

  • Mobile phone/digital device storage space, the company may collect and store information, Mobile phone/digital device storage, including personal data on your device using methods such as web browser storage, and cache of application data. The objectives are as follows:
  • To allow the application to read and/or update map data saved area.

  • Application account information: when you use the company’s applications, the company may access, collect and process information about your account for the purpose of verifying the Token and/or UDID of your mobile/digital device. The purposes are as follows: 
  • Cookies and Similar Technologies, Company and its affiliates, and/or business partners of the Company may use various technologies to collect and store information when you visit our website and/or services by using cookies and similar technologies to identify the browser or device and/or to collect and store information when you interact with the services the company provides to its affiliates, and/or business partners of the company such as advertising services, etc.
  • For the preparation of messages to inform you of advertisements about the application.
  • To use to verify the user’s account.

  • Unique Application Number Information: This application contains a unique application number for sending information to the company when the service user installs or uninstalls that application or when the application communicates with the company’s service server from time to time. The objectives are as follows:
  • To update application information automatically.
  • Collection of personal data is limited to the quality of your personal data obtained by the company, such as your name, age, address, telephone number, ID card number, financial information, etc., which can identify you personally and that       personal information is complete and up-to-date will be used for the purpose of the company’s operations only and the company will take strict measures to maintain security as well as preventing the use of personal information without your permission before securing security.

  • The company can disclose your personal information according to your consent, it must be used for the purpose of collecting and storing company information only.
  • The company will ensure that its operators do not disclose, display or appear in any other way your personal data other than the purpose or to third parties, unless the company may share or disclose your personal information with its affiliates, group companies as well as the contracting parties who are responsible for managing the application directly in accordance with the contract with the company or any other company with a reliable privacy policy to provide services, maintain, prevent, improve, develop new services and protect the company and you as well as to offer content that has been customized to suit your particular use, such as showing search results that are relevant to you, displaying advertisements promoting services that may be of interest to you and that are useful to you by following the instructions and in accordance with the privacy policy of the company including appropriate confidentiality and security measures.

  • It is a case that is required by law, such as the Telecommunications Business Act, Computer Crime Act, Anti-Money Laundering Act, etc.
  • Get your consent.
  • It is for the benefit of life, health or safety of you and other users.
  • For the benefit of the investigating officer’s investigation or the trial of the court.
  • For the benefit of study, research, or the preparation of statistics, or for the public benefit.

  • The company realizes the importance of maintaining the security of your personal information. Therefore, the company has established measures to maintain the security of personal information appropriately and in accordance with the confidentiality of personal information to prevent the loss, access, destruction, use, alteration, alteration or disclosure of personal information without rights or without legit in accordance with the information      security policy, the company has limited access to personal information only to its employees, contract employees and agents that is necessary to access that information (Need to Know Basis) in order to process the data where such person the contractual confidentiality requirements must be strictly adhered to failure to do so will result in severe penalties.

  • Disclosures regarding operations, practices and policies relating to personal information. The company has a policy to comply with the law, including the announcement of the Broadcasting Commission, television business, and the National Telecommunications on measures to protect the rights of telecommunications service users in relation to personal data right to privacy and freedom of communication by telecommunication and laws related to personal data including issuing measures to protect user data on the Company’s website.